
Endodontic Therapy

The field of endodontics involves the treatment and study of the pulp inside the tooth, to stop infections and save teeth from being extracted. Endodontic treatment is often referred to as ‘root canal therapy’ and is extremely effective in treating infection within the soft tissue of the tooth in question.

The Process

This procedure involves drilling a small hole into the soft tissue cavity of the tooth, and removing the infected tissue. This empty cavity is then filled with an antiseptic material that will prevent further infections from occurring and remove the need for an extraction. The cavity is then sealed, and the tooth can resume normal functionality. This procedure has a reputation for causing discomfort but Breckenridge Dental Group offers sedation options to make the process more comfortable.

Why Get a Root Canal?

  • Preserves Tooth
  • Removes Infection
  • Prevents Re-Infection
  • Sedation Available
  • Preserve Smile
  • Routine Procedure

Root Canal Therapy by Breckenridge Dental Group

If you have an abscessed tooth and wish to have the infection and pain stopped, our professional dentists are ready to provide assistance.

Our goal is to create a comfortable space in which to preserve and improve your smile. If you have any questions feel free to call our front desk or send us an email and we will be more than happy to assist you.

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Repairing years of neglect to rehabilitate your smile


Whiten and brighten you smile with the latest tech.


Safeguard your oral health for the years to come.

Contact us

100 S. Ridge St., Suite #103, Breckenridge, CO 80424



emergency phone 24/7





Monday - Thursday
8:30am - 5:00pm